Bus Rapid Transit Oriented Development: A Review of Modal Shift-Triggering Ability of a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) System

Lutfi Prayogi


This article reviews the passengers modal shift triggered by the provision of a bus rapid transit (BRT) system. Passengers modal shift is one of the transit oriented development (TOD) goal. This article was written through literature review processes, that are reviewing TOD goals and principles and reviewing BRT systems impacts that are relevant to TOD goals and principles. It was found that the provision of a number of BRT systems have triggered their passengers modal shift. However, the evidence is still limited, thus the BRT system's modal shift-triggering potential has not been adequately explored. Let alone the characteristics of the systems, passengers and respective cities. This article helps defining the relation between a BRT system and TOD and offers a new approach in planning a TOD and its respective BRT system. 

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