The Application of Behavioural Mapping to Design Therapeutic Spaces for Disabled Children

Anggana Fitri Satwikasari


Behavioural mapping is depicted in the form of a sketch or diagram of an area where humans perform various activities (Sommer, 1986). The goal of this method is to describe the behaviour on the map, identify the type and frequency of behaviour, and also show the link between the behaviour and the specific design features. A research that being conducted in 2011 at Disabled Children Rehabilitation Centre or YPAC (Yayasan Pembinaan Anak Cacat) Surakarta, used Place Centre Map method-one out of two type behavioural mapping methods-to examine the movement of user activity of some sample room in that rehabilitation centre. Those stated rooms that often being used by the disabled children are Occupational Therapy Room, Physiotherapy Room, Pendopo Area, Hydrotherapy Pool, and The Children's Dorm. The aim of the research is to help a designer describe the activity of the room in a Disabled Children Rehabilitation Centre by using behavioural mapping methods that will lead to a design proposal for recreating more suitable therapeutic spaces for the children’s rehabilitation process. 

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