Iwan Kurniawan, Albert Eddy Husin


The Main Building of the Flour Mill Plant is the main part of the wheat flour mill consisting of Wheat Bins, Process Area, Finish Bins, Laboratory, and Buck Loading Area. The construction of factory buildings that apply the Green concept is urgently needed, this is to the mission of the Sustainable Development Goals 2030, that by 2030 the new development will have a concept of 100% and an existing building of 60%. To reduce the environmental burden on an industry, it is necessary to build and develop a factory building with a green concept. The Implementation of the Green Concept to the Main Building of the Flour Mill Plant using Structural Equation Modeling – Part Least Square (SEM-PLS). The result of this study is that there are "10 factors that affect the cost performance of the Green Building Flour Mill Plant project", Project Manager Performance, Energy Efficiency, Technical Specifications, Provision of Parking Lots, Management Commitment, Water Sources, Analysis Functions, Waste Handling Systems, Selection of Alternative Materials, and Energy Costs.


Flour Mill Main Building, Green Building, Value Engineering, Life Cycle Cost Analysis, SEM-PLS

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