Application of Passive Solar Architecture to Hotel Collective Vertical Residential Buildings

ahmad riyan budiman, anisa anisa


ABSTRAK. Menurut letak geografisnya, salah satu negara yang dilintasi garis katulistiwa adalah Indonesia. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, Indonesia mendapatkan sinar matahari sepanjang tahun dengan skala yang cukup tinggi. Sayangnya, Sinar matahari yang cukup tinggi di Indonesia seringkali membuat penghuni bangunan merasa tidak nyaman. Hal ini disebabkan minimnya bukaan sirkulasi udara dan sirkulasi cahaya, sehingga berdampak pada penggunaan AC yang berlebihan, contohnya dapat di lihat pada bangunan hunian vertikal. Banyak solusi yang bisa mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, salah satunya ialah dengan solusi hemat energy dan menekankan desain surya  pasif. Sistem Arsitektur Surya Pasif (passive solar system) yaitu dengan memanfaatkan teknik energi surya pada bangunan melalui perancangan arsitektur. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Pendekatan dilakukan secara deduktif dengan memahami teori surya pasif  yang diaplikasikan pada suatu contoh kemuadian didapatlah kesimpulan yang bersifat komperhensif. Penulis mengidentifikasi lalu menganalisis dari 3 studi kasus dari beberapa sumber, yaitu bangunan apartement Greenhost Boutique Hotel, Kollektiv Hotel, Pitamera/Paddington Heights. Hasil analisa berupa penjabaran deskriptif mengenai penerapan arsitektur surya pasif pada ketiga bangunan.  


Kata Kunci: Arsitektur Surya Pasif, Bangunan Hunian Vertikal, Hotel, Apartement


ABSTRACT. According to its geographical location, one of the countries crossed by the equator is Indonesia. Based on this, Indonesia gets sunlight throughout the year on a fairly high scale. Unfortunately, the high sunlight in Indonesia often makes building occupants feel uncomfortable. This is due to the lack of air circulation openings and light circulation, so that it has an impact on excessive use of air conditioning, an example of which can be seen in vertical residential buildings. Many solutions can overcome these problems, one of which is energy-saving solutions and emphasizes passive solar designs. Passive Solar Architectural System (passive solar system) that is by utilizing solar energy techniques in buildings through architectural design. The study used a qualitative descriptive method. The approach is carried out deductively by understanding the passive solar theory which is applied to an example then a comprehensive conclusion is obtained. The author identifies and then analyzes 3 case studies from several sources, namely the Greenhost Boutique Hotel apartment building, Kollektiv Hotel, Pitamera/Paddington Heights. The results of the analysis are in the form of a descriptive description of the application of passive solar architecture in the three buildings.


Keywords: Passive Solar Architecture, Vertical Residential Buildings, Hotel, Apartment

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