Sistem Monitoring dan Perancangan Alat Pendeteksi Kerusakan Lampu Penerangan Jalan Umum (LPJU) Otomatis Berbasis Internet of Thing (Iot)
Selain harus di rancang ON dan OFF secara otomatis dan menghemat energi listrik dan tenaga manusia, sistem penerangan jalan juga harus di pantau secara berkala, baik terkait dengan perawatan maupun kualitas pelayanan. Untuk memastikan perlu tidak nya lampu di hidupkan,di perlukan sensor cahaya, dalam hal ini LDR (Light Dependent resistor).[2] Sedangkan informasi yang terkait dengan keadaan sistem penerangan dikirimkan via Telegram untuk system monitoring menggunakan thingspeak. Sistem otomatis ini di kendalikan menggunakan microcontroler. Setelah di lakukan beberapa pengujian, sistem ini terbukti efektif mendeteksi cahaya, dan otomatis mengaktifkan lampu jika keadaan cukup gelap. Terkait dengan perawatan, sistem ini terbukti dapat mengirimkan notifikasi ke Telegram sesuai dengan keadaan saat itu.
In addition to having to be designed ON and OFF automatically and save electrical energy and human labor, the street lighting system must also be monitored regularly, both related to maintenance and service quality. To ensure whether or not the lights are turned on, a light sensor is needed, in this case an LDR (Light Dependent Resistor).[2] Meanwhile, information related to the state of the lighting system is sent via Telegram for a monitoring system using thingspeak. This automatic system is controlled using a microcontroller. After several tests were carried out, this system was proven to be effective in detecting light, and automatically turning on the lights if it was dark enough. Regarding maintenance, this system is proven to be able to send notifications to Telegram according to the current situation
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