Betalini Widhi Hapsari, Andri Fadillah Martin, Tri Muji Ermayanti


Tanaman taka (Tacca leontopetaloides (L.) Kuntze) merupakan jenis tanaman yang tumbuh terbatas di beberapa daerah pantai di Indonesia. Tanaman ini merupakan tanaman minor sehingga perlu dikonservasi. Umbi taka berpotensi sebagai sumber karbohidrat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan kultur tunas taka pada media yang mengandung sitokinin BAP atau kinetin yang dikombinasikan dengan manitol untuk konservasi secara in vitro. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Biak Sel dan Jaringan Tanaman Pusat Penelitian Bioteknologi LIPI Cibinong Science Center pada bulan Juni 2016 sampai Maret 2017. Setelah dikonservasi selama 24 minggu, planlet diaklimatisasi. Tunas taka ditumbuhkan selama 24 minggu pada media MS yang mengandung 0, 0.5 ppm BAP dan 0.5 ppm kinetin dikombinasikan dengan manitol 0%, 2%, 4%, dan 6%. Kultur diinkubasi pada ruang bersuhu 25 oC. Percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 ulangan, data dianalisis dengan ANOVA dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Variabel pengamatan yang diamati setiap minggu selama 24 minggu adalah tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun dan jumlah akar serta daya hidup setelah aklimatisasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Media MS tanpa sitokinin dan tanpa manitol (kontrol) dan media MS yang mengandung 0.5 ppm kinetin tanpa manitol menunjukkan pertumbuhan terbaik pada semua variabel pengamatan. Taka yang  berasal dari media MS tanpa manitol, MS + 2% manitol, MS + 0.5 ppm BAP tanpa manitol, MS + 0.5 ppm BAP + 2% manitol, MS + 0.5 ppm kinetin tanpa manitol, dan MS + 0.5 ppm kinetin + 2% dan 4% manitol mampu tumbuh di rumah kaca.


Tacca leontopetaloides (L.) Kuntze has limited growth only in some coastal area in Indonesia so that conservation of this minor plant is needed. Tuber of Tacca is useful for carbohidrate source. The aim of this research was to investigate growth of Tacca shoots cultured on the medium containing cytokines BAP or kinetin in combination with mannitol for in vitro conservation. The research was conducted at the Plant Cell and Tissue Culture Laboratory, Research Center of Biotechnology LIPI, Cibinong Science Center on July 2016 until March 2017. After being cultured for 24 weeks, plantlets were acclimatized. Shoots of Tacca were cultured for 24 weeks on MS medium containing 0, 0.5 ppm BAP and 0.5 ppm kinetin in combination with mannitol at 0%, 2%, 4%, and 6%. All cultures were incubated in a culture room at 25 oC. The experiment used Completely Random Design with 3 replicates. Data were analyzed by ANOVA followed by Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Growth parameters recorded from 1 to 24 weeks were height of shoots, number of leaves, number of roots as well as survival rate after aclimatization. The results showed MS medium without cytokines or mannitol (control treatment) and MS containing 0.5 ppm kinetin without mannitol gave the best growth. Tacca grown on MS medium without mannitol, MS containing 2% mannitol, MS containing 0.5 ppm BAP without mannitol, MS containing 0.5 ppm BAP in combination with 2% mannitol, MS containing 0.5 ppm kinetin without mannitol, and MS containing 0.5 ppm kinetin in combination with 2% and 4% mannitol grew in the greenhouse.

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