- Section Policies
- Open Access Policy
- Archiving
- Peer Review Process
- Publication Frequency
- Screening for Plagiarism
- Review Guidelines
- Open Access Statement
Section Policies
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Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...
Peer Review Process
All manuscripts submitted to SINTEK JURNAL undergo a rigorous screening and review process to ensure that they fit into the journal's scope and are of sufficient academic quality and novelty to appeal to SINTEK JURNAL's readership. SINTEK JURNAL employs a double-blind peer review, in which both author(s) and reviewer identities are concealed from each other.
Initial screening. A newly submitted manuscript will be screened by the Editor-in-Chief for its conformity to SINTEK JURNAL scope and basic submission requirements.
Peer-review. If the manuscript passes the initial screening stage, it will be assigned to a handling editor, who will then send it to at least two experts in the relevant field to undergo a double-blind peer-review. Manuscripts that fail to pass the initial screening will be rejected without further review.
First decision. A decision on a peer-reviewed manuscript will only be made upon the receipt of at least two review reports. In cases where reports differ significantly, the handling editor will invite an additional reviewer to get a third opinion before making a decision. At this stage, a manuscript can either be rejected, asked for revisions (minor or major), accepted as is, or (if significant changes to the language or content are required) recommended for resubmission for a second review process. If it is accepted, the manuscript will be returned to the submitting author for formatting. The final decision to accept the manuscript will be made by the Editor-in-Chief based on the recommendation of the handling editor and following approval by the board of editors.
Revision stage. A manuscript that requires revisions will be returned to the submitting author, who will have up to three weeks to format and revise the manuscript, following which it will be reviewed by the handling editor. The handling editor will determine whether the changes are adequate and appropriate, as well as whether the author(s) sufficiently responded to the reviewers' comments and suggestions. If the revisions are deemed to be inadequate, this cycle will be repeated (the manuscript will be returned to the submitting author once more for further revision).
Final decision. At this stage, the revised manuscript will either be accepted or rejected. This decision is dependent on whether the handling editor finds the manuscript to have been improved to a level worthy of publication. If the author(s) are unable to make the required changes or have done so to a degree below SINTEK JURNAL's standards, the manuscript will be rejected.
Publication Frequency
SINTEK JURNAL: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin is published twice a year in June and December through the Open Journal Systems platform.
Screening for Plagiarism
Manuscripts submitted to SINTEK JURNAL will be automatically screened for plagiarism using Turnitin. Papers found to contain a significant amount of plagiarism (including self-plagiarism) will be automatically rejected.
Review Guidelines
Review Process of Manuscript: Initial Review
- Read the abstract to be sure that you have the expertise to review the article. Don’t be afraid to say no to reviewing an article if there is a good reason.
- Read information provided by the journal for reviewers so you will know: a) The type of manuscript (e.g., a review article, technical note, original research) and the journal’s expectations/parameters for that type of manuscript.; b) Other journal requirements that the manuscript must meet (e.g., length, citation style).
- Know the journal’s scope and mission to make sure that the topic of the paper fits in the scope.
- Ready? Read through the entire manuscript initially to see if the paper is worth publishing- only make a few notes about major problems if such exist: a) Is the question of interest sound and significant?; b) Was the design and/or method used adequately or fatally flawed? (for original research papers); c) Were the results substantial enough to consider publishable (or were only two or so variables presented or resulted so flawed as to render the paper unpublishable)?
- What is your initial impression? If the paper is: a) Acceptable with only minor comments/questions: solid, interesting, and new; sound methodology used; results were well presented; discussion well formulated with Interpretations based on sound scientific reasoning, etc., with only minor comments/questions, move directly to writing up review; b) Fatally flawed so you will have to reject it: move directly to writing up review; c) A mixture somewhere in the range of “revise and resubmit” to “accepted with major changes” or you’re unsure if it should be rejected yet or not: It may be a worthy paper, but there are major concerns that would need to be addressed.
Full Review Process of Manuscript
- Writing: Is the manuscript easy to follow, that is, has a logical progression and evident organization?
- Is the manuscript concise and understandable? Any parts that should be reduced,
- Eliminated/expanded/added?
- Note if there are major problems with mechanics: grammar, punctuation, spelling. (If there are just a few places that aren’t worded well or correctly, make a note to tell the author the specific places. If there are consistent problems throughout, only select an example or two if need be- don’t try and edit the whole thing).
- Abbreviations: Used judiciously and are composed such that the reader won’t have trouble remembering what an abbreviation represents.
- Follows style, format and other rules of the journal.
- Citations are provided when providing evidence-based information from outside sources.
Open Access Statement
SINTEK JURNAL opens access to download articles from the web with no fees at all. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles.