Tuti Surtimanah, Irfan Nafis Sjamsuddin, Marya Hana, Gina Mardiatul


Tahun 2018 di Indonesia 54% anak 5-9 tahun dan 41,4% anak 10-14 tahun menderita gigi rusak, berlubang atau sakit. Prevalensi miopia anak Asia 29%, kelainan refraksi 43% menyebabkan kebutaan apabila tidak terkoreksi. Tahun 2020 anak 6-14 tahun di Dusun I Desa Mekarmanik, 38,1% berisiko kelainan gigi mulut dan 18,7% berisiko kelainan mata. Salah satu penyebab kelainan pengetahuan rendah dan belum berperilaku pencegahan tepat. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui model intervensi penyuluhan kesehatan gigi dan mata yang efektif meningkatkan pengetahuan anak SD. Metode penelitian, disain kuasi eksperimental pre-pos tes dua kelompok intervensi. Penyuluhan kesehatan gigi pada 166 anak kelas 1,2,3 (media video dan lembar balik), penyuluhan kesehatan mata pada 141 anak kelas 4,5,6 (media video dan puzzle) di SDN 01 dan 03 Arcamanik. Dilakukan ujibeda pre-pos tes pengetahuan setiap kelompok intervensi serta ujibeda perubahan pengetahuan antar kelompok intervensi. Terdapat perbedaan signifikan (p 0,000) pengetahuan kesehatan gigi sebelum dan sesudah intervensi pada anak yang mendapat penyuluhan media video maupun lembar balik. Rata-rata perubahan pengetahuan kesehatan gigi lebih tinggi pada anak yang mendapat penyuluhan media video dibandingkan lembar balik (p 0,000). Terdapat perbedaan signifikan (p 0,000) perubahan pengetahuan kesehatan mata sebelum dan sesudah intervensi pada anak yang mendapat penyuluhan media video maupun puzzle. Tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan (p>0,05) rata-rata perubahan pengetahuan kesehatan mata pada anak yang mendapat penyuluhan media video dan puzzle. Penyuluhan kesehatan gigi pada anak SD lebih efektif menggunakan media video dibanding lembar balik. Penyuluhan kesehatan mata bisa menggunakan media video maupun puzzle.


In Indonesia at 2018, 54% of 5-9 years old and 41.4% of 10-14 year old suffered tooth decay, cavities or illness. The myopia prevalence in Asian children is 29%, refractive error 43% causes blindness if uncorrected. In 2020, 6-14 years old in Dusun I Mekarmanik Village, 38.1% were at risk of oral defects and 18.7% were at risk of eye disorders. One of the factors causing this disorder is low knowledge and not yet behave prevention behaviour. The study purpose was to find out which dental and eye health education intervention model was effective in increasing the knowledge children. Research methodology, quasi-experimental design pre-post test of two intervention groups. Dental health education to 166 children of 1,2,3 grade (video and flipchart media), eye health education to 141 children of 4,5,6 grade (video and puzzle media) in SDN 01 and 03 Arcamanik. Different pre-post tests of knowledge for each intervention group and different tests of knowledge change between intervention groups were conducted. The results showed a significant difference (p 0,000) of dental health knowledge before and after intervention in children who received video media and flipchart. The average change in dental health knowledge was higher in children who received video media than the flipchart (p. 0,000). There’s a significant difference (p 0,000) in changes in eye health knowledge before and after intervention in children who received education with video and puzzle media. There’s no significant difference (p> 0.05) on average changes in eye health knowledge in children who received education with video and puzzle media. It was concluded that dental health education in elementary school children was more effective using video media than flipchart. Eye health education can use video or puzzle media.

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