Baskara Z Ramadhan, Sonny G R Saragih, Diana Natalia, Willy Handoko, An An




Cedera kepala adalah penyebab tertinggi kematian pada usia produktif yaitu rentang usia 15-44 tahun. Prevalensi trauma kepala di Indonesia sebesar 13,2%, sedangkan Kalimantan Barat mempunyai prevalensi yang cukup besar yaitu 11,6%. Rotterdam CT score adalah hasil dari pengembangan klasifikasi pencitraan berdasarkan fitur kualitatif CT kepala. Rotterdam CT score  mengidentifikasi empat temuan pencitraan penting pada trauma kepala dengan  nilai prognostik klinis yang signifikan pada kasus cedera kepala. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya korelasi antara Rotterdam CT score sebagai prediktor mortalitas pada penderita cedera kepala sedang dan berat di RSUD Dr Abdul Aziz Kota Singkawang. Penelitian ini bersifat analitik menggunakan pendekatan potong lintang. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 38 orang. Data Rotterdam CT Score dan mortalitas diambil dari rekam medis di RSUD dr Abdul Aziz dan RS Santo Vincentius Kota Singkawang. Analisis data menggunakan Spearman’s rho.. Analisis data dengan uji Spearman’s rho didapatkan nilai r=0,650 mengindikasikan adanya korelasi positif yang kuat antara Rotterdam CT score dan mortalitas (p=0,0000). Terdapat korelasi positif yang kuat antara Rotterdam CT Score dan mortalitas pada penderita cedera kepala sedang dan berat di RSUD DR Abdul Aziz Kota Singkawang.

Kata Kunci: Cedera kepala, Rotterdam CT Score, Mortalitas.


Head injury is the highest cause of death in the productive age which is in the age range of 15-44 years. The prevalence of head trauma in Indonesia is 13.2%, while West Kalimantan has a high prevalence of 11.6%. The Rotterdam CT score is the result of developing imaging classifications based on the qualitative features of CT heads. The Rotterdam CT score identifies four important imaging findings in head trauma with clinically significant prognostic values in cases of head injury. This study aims to determine the correlation between the Rotterdam CT score and mortality as a predictor of mortality in patients with moderate and severe head injuries in Dr. Abdul Aziz Hospital, Singkawang City. This research was analytic with cross sectional approach. Subjects were 38 people. Rotterdam CT Score and mortality data taken from medical records at Dr. Abdul Aziz Hospital and Santo Vincentius Hospital in Singkawang City, were analysed by Spearman's rho correlation test. analysed data by Spearman's rho correlation test obtained r = 0.650 indicated a strong positive correlation between the Rotterdam CT score and mortality (p = 0.0000). There was strong positive correlation between Rotterdam CT Score and mortality in patients with moderate and severe head injuries in RSUD Abdul Aziz Singkawang City.

Keywords: Head Injury, Rotterdam CT Score, Mortality.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24853/an-nur,%201,%201,%2033-43


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