Rasma Rasma, Reza Febriano Armas, Thomas Junaedi, Hendro Purwono, Agung Riyadi


The Haulpak 530M unit utilizes a Torqflow Transmission as its power transmission system, where the Torqflow Transmission is a fluid-controlled power transmission device that regulates the speed, forward, and reverse motion, as well as the crucial function of increasing torque by reducing the rotational speed through the gear ratio of the transmission. The Electric Control Modulating Valve plays a crucial role in this system, as it is responsible for modulating the oil pressure entering the clutch in the transmission to facilitate gear shifting. However, the Haulpak 530M unit has encountered an issue where the "02" (b021) error message, indicating a lock-up clutch failure, is displayed on the Message for Operation and Maintenance monitor, preventing the unit from moving forward beyond the F2 gear, limiting its top speed. The root cause of this problem is the failure of the Fill Switch component, which is responsible for the proper functioning of the ECMV and the lock-up clutch.

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