Lilik Sumarni


The background of this writing is stimulated by the consideration of the author about the general opinion constructed by the western media about Islam teaching violence and injustice to women. The media, by using its power, has done building a discourse triggering experts debate. Alleged unreasoned stigma has harmed the existence of women. Therefore, an effort is needed to answer that the media construction, particularly about polygamy and injustice to women is wrong. The long questions about the definition of Muslim women are the parts of a radical feminist perspective that might need to be fixed. The phenomenon in the society about prejudice conflict between the western and eastern world through history should produce objective ideas without a certain interest’s domination.By approaching the issue with the hegemony of media theory in the sight of radical feminist, hermeneutical theory, and Islamic communication, thus, the author wants to contribute thoughts about Islamic teaching which respects women’s dignity. The concept of media hegemony should be understood as a condition where individuals behind the mass media dominate a certain lifestyle or a certain mindset. This lifestyle and mindset then are spread to the society by using the media itself (Altheide, 1984). The media has promoted the propaganda and feminist spirit which have planted the wrong perception to the world. This kind of unclear and incomplete mindset causes negative prejudice so that it has become the consideration of the Muslim community. Islam teaches the overall aspect of life for both men as the leader in the family and women as the responsible partner to educate the generation. Women in Islam are placed in the most honored degree and most protected in many ways, for example, by wearing hijab, Islam teaches that the honor of women should be protected. Islam also teaches women should stay home longer because they are responsible to educate the children. It is a sacred mission. Women in Islam are also the queens demanded to have a certain ability to do multitasking activities such as educating, managing the household, being the husband advisor and being economically independent and the achievement of the husband’s career is parallel to the role of a wife in the household. The sentiment sparked by radical feminist to Islam has ripped off the values taught in the Holy Quran. In this case, language has been the power to reveal the truth boldly. The messages delivered to western movies about promoted fears are untrue.

Keywords: Muslim Women, Massive Propaganda, Western Feminist

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