Iin Rizkiyah, Santoso Tri Raharjo, Rudi Saprudin Darwis


Environmental Problems The Citarum River is very complex. Now, it cannot be used as a water resource for the lives of surrounding communities. As a result of this complexity, the Citarum River has been named the dirtiest river in the world according to the World Bank. Citarum problems can now no longer be handled sectorally or separated, but must be done together, cross-sectoral, coordinated and integrated. Handling the Citarum River problem does not only involve intergovernmental organizations, but also the involvement of local organizations that help to realize it directly from the complexity of Citarum. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods with data collection techniques through interviews, non-participatory observation and literature review through journals, books or other scientific works that are relevant to this research. The results of this study indicate the participation of local organizations on various banks of the Citarum River. These forms of participation are still protected by community elites who have power and authority in managing the Citarum Riverbanks.

Keywords: Community Development, Participation, Local Organizations, Environmental Management of the Citarum Riverbanks

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