Nurrohmi Nurrohmi


Coping strategy is the efforts performed by elderly to overcome their problem. The research purpose was to describe coping strategy of elderly in meeting needs at Ciburial Village, Cimenyan Sub-District Bandung District. This study used qualitative approach and descriptive method. Data resources were primary and secondary.  The informants were determined by purposive sampling. Data collection used was in-depth interviews, observations, and documents. The research results showed that all informants (UM, IR, AM) had performed coping strategy based on emotional-focused coping and problem-focused coping aspects. On the basis of description of research results, the problems and needs analysis, and also the obstacles and expectations in doing coping strategy, there were two kinds of needs requiring solutions, namely the provision of medical service assistance for informant UM and the provision of business capital assistance for informant AM. The possible resource system, such as The Polytechnic of Social Welfare Bandung (POLTEKESOS), The District Social Service, and the Head of Ciburial Village, Social Workers are expected to be able to give intervention through social welfare service programs to overcome their problems, in order that they could perform coping strategy better.

Keywords: coping strategy, elderly, needs, resource system

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