Helly Ocktilia, Yuti Sri Ismudiyati, Binahayati Rusyidi


This qualitative study aims to describe the social transformation of rural communities towards the self prosperous villages and the factors that influence it. Independent Prosperous Village (Desa Sejahtera Mandiri/DSM) is a program of the Ministry of the Social Republic of Indonesia that puts the role of universities as initiators and agents of change in bringing about social transformation of society on four aspects: 1)human resources, 2)community self-help businesses, 3)environmental management, 4)acceptability of social welfare services for the welfare of the villagers to manage the assets and potentials as well as take advantage of existing opportunities. The theoretical framework used in this research is the theory of social transformation and social change. The study was conducted in the districts of Cianjur West Java  Data were mainly obtained from change agents consisting of Academics, Government Bureaucrats, Community Leaders, and Local Institution through individual and group interviews as well as observation. The study found  positive social transformation in the form of:1)the growth of awareness and knowledge of human resources about the potential and resources that can be used to deal with social problems, 2)the growth of social movements in developing community self-help businesses, 3)organized activities community activities in increasing acceptability of social welfare services. The success of the social transformation is shaped by the presence of planned program; the desire of the community to improve their conditions; the availability and utilization of resources; and the commitment of agents of change to work for the welfare of the community.


Agents of Change;Community Developmen,Social Transformatio;Social Welfare

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