Sa’diyah El Adawiyah


This study aims to determine the contribution of BOS funds for poor students in private schools in East Jakarta, determine the accuracy of the allocation for poor students in private schools in East Jakarta and determine the role of parents in the implementation of the BOS program at private schools in East Jakarta. This research was conducted in the District Cakung, East Jakarta by using multi-stage sampling method. Study sample of 150 poor students drawn from five Junior High Schools (SMP), grades VII, VIII and IX respectively 30 students by using quota sampling method. This study adopts a quantitative and qualitative approaches. Quantitative approach using survey methods, whereas a qualitative approach with desk study methods, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. The data analysis technique used is descriptive quantitative. These results indicate that the contribution of the School Operational Assistance (BOS) funds to poor students is still far from expectations. Similarly, the accuracy of the allocation, BOS funds are supposed to liberate the poor students of all forms of levies, it turns private schools still charge students each month, though with a lesser amount. Private schools considered that the BOS funds in private schools have not been able to cover all the operational needs of the schools. So that the contribution of BOS funds are only able to help reducing the school levies. In this position, the parents should be able to voice their aspirations to the school. However, the participation of parents in determining the allocation of BOS funds are still very low so that cannot affect the determination of school policy in allocating the BOS funds.


School Operational Assistanc;, Poor Students; Private Schools; Parents Participation

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Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Sciences
University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta


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