Binahayati Rusyidi, Yuyun Yuningsih, Zulhaeni Zulhaeni, Albertina N. Loho, Sahadi Humaedi


As social workers have high potential of dealing with issues of violence against women, it is important for students studying to enter the profession to be well prepared with the competence to deal with them. This study investigates associations between factors derived from feminist, social learning and socio-demographics perspectives and contextual acceptance of physical violence against wives.  Respondents were 438 male and female undergraduate students recruited from four private and public universities in four Indonesian provinces. The study found that students who knew the victim well, studied at universities in Western Indonesia, were Muslim, reported high religiosity and egalitarian attitudes toward gender roles tended to report non-justification of wife beating. Findings were discussed within the framework of social work education strategy to improve social work students’ attitudes toward violence against wives.


contextual acceptance; physical violence; social work education; violence against wives

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