Community Service for Making Ecoenzymes for Fruit Traders in RT 006 Benda Baru Village

Danang Bayu, Nabila Aliya, Fitri Puspa Sari, Tri Yuni Hendrawati


Eco enzyme is a multifunctional liquid produced from a 3-month fermentation process with simple ingredients, brown sugar / molasses, waste or organic waste using a composition of 1: 3: 10. During this eco enzyme fermentation process, it will produce ozone and oxygen, this is equivalent to that produced by 10 trees. Some of the benefits of Eco enzyme are that it can clean polluted rivers, such as antiseptics, fertilize the soil and substitute daily household chemical products. The objectives of this community service activity are: 1) to introduce an organic waste management program into an eco enzyme. 2) Community Service Activities to Provide Education on Ecoenzyme Sales in E-Commers.


Ecoenzyme;Fermentation; organic waste

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