Strengthening Muhammadiyah Da'wah Through Digital Platform in Traditional Community Saung Jingga Pamulang
The problem with partners is the lack of understanding about the development of da'wah in the digital era which cannot be denied has an impact on all aspects of life. How Muhammadiyah's da'wah plays a central role for the Saung Jingga community with changes in the technological paradigm, Muhammadiyah's da'wah must survive developments. Likewise, the formation of culture and lifestyle has become increasingly intense and massive, with the infiltration of foreign culture conflicting with the identity of people's personalities and religion. The method for implementing community service is carried out in five stages, namely, the planning stage, the preparation stage, the implementation stage, the question or exercise stage at the end of the material and the monitoring and mentoring stage. The urgency of this community service is the extent to which Muhammadiyah's preaching has a contributive impact on the traditional community of Saung Jingga Pamulang. The purpose of this community service. 1) To strengthen Muhammadiyah's da'wah through digital platforms. 2) To educate traditional communities to be able to use digital platforms for da'wah purposes in the modern era. The results and conclusions in community service are the formation of a comprehensive understanding of Islam through digital da'wah in the Saung Jingga Pamulang community. People are able to use digital platforms to use as da'wah content in their daily lives and people are able to access digital da'wah provided via the internet.
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