The Philosophy of Education According to Badiuzzaman Said Nursi and the Necessity of its Application: In the field of Islamic Education in an Era of Disruption

Habiburrahman El Shirazy, Alif Cahya Setiyadi


This article is aims to present the education philosophy of Said Nursi as an alternative strategy for Islamic education in the disruption era. Said Nursi is a Turkish prominent scholar and thinker who is well known with his acclaimed works called Risale-i Nur. This research is a qualitative research based on literature with a comprehensive, qualitative, and interpretive approach. An inductive approach is used to draw conclusions. The outcome of the research indicates that the educational philosophy of said Nursi which is based on faith, affection, and spiritual humanism, are worth implementing in facing the post-truth era. Moreover, Said Nursi's educational concept which holistically balances between medreses, modern schools, and Sufi tekkes is considered appropriate to deal with the challenges on the disruption era as it requires speed and innovation without having to abandoned Islamic root. The outcome of this study is expected to give more insight to improve the Islamic education amidst the huge challenges of the disruption era.


disruption era; educational philosophy; Islamic education; post-truth; spiritual humanism; Sufi tekkes; Said Nursi

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