Finda Findiana, Herwina Bahar


Funding for the education budget under the auspices of the Ministry of Religion by the government cannot fully cover the need for education costs, so the managers of Islamic education institutions must try to find other alternative sources to be able to cover the lack of education costs. One way to get this alternative source is to carry out education with an entrepreneurship-based curriculum. This study uses literature study research on articles that have the same variables studied. The results of this literature study conclude that the Islamic education institutions that adding an entrepreneurship-based curriculum are able to provide solutions to the problem of managing educational financing. They must be properly managed based on management principles and use the guidance based on Al Quran and Hadist. The Islamic education institution that success conducting all those requirements can even provide students with free school fees and living expenses and graduates from these educational institutions have an entrepreneurial spirit and the provision of skills and expertise to create their own jobs.


Financing; Curriculum; Entrepreneurship

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