Nahuda Nahuda


This article aims to provide an overview of efforts to prevent bullying behavior in the Islamic Education Institution environment. Lately, the problem of bullying that has occurred in the educational institution environment is rampant, this has happened a lot after the start of face-to-face (offline) learning / post-pandemic Covid 19. Almost two years of learning at home (online). One of the problems that arise after online learning is the change in the behavior of children - children who are very worried about bullying behavior and bad words among school children. Efforts to prevent bullying behavior need to be made by Islamic Education Institutions so that there are not many victims of bullying among children. This article answers how the efforts of Islamic Education Institutions in preventing bullying with a good and maximum religious approach. The method of writing this article is descriptive qualitative based on a literature study approach. From the data analysis, several strategies are offered to develop the management of Islamic Education Institutions in an effort to prevent bullying among children. The management includes directing efforts, monitoring children's behavior, optimizing educational facilities, and the role of teachers, especially guidance counseling (BK) teachers.


Bullying Behavior; Islamic Education Institutions; Covid 19 Pandemic

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24853/pi.1.0.2023.327-348


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Postgraduate School
Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta
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