Yasinta Mahendra, Ulin Nuha, Rina Suryani, Vinka Agyus


Indonesia is one of the big countries. It is supposed that this nation should develop its nation's character through the education system deal with the transformation of education in the 21st century. Unfortunately, the education system in Indonesia has not effectively built students’ character to have good character or moral in accordance with national education goals. This is evidenced by the large number of students who not behave in accordance with the eastern cultural norms in Indonesia. Such as, drug abuse, brawls between adolescents, free sex and the most severe is the decline in the value of national and state pride. The character is the disposition or behavior of a person who has existed since humans were born. However, by the over time the character that exists in humans can be influenced by the surrounding environment and the psychological state of the person. The development of character education aims to improve the quality of the implementation and educational outcomes in schools that lead to the achievement of character formation and noble morals of students as a whole, for the achievement of national education goals. The character formation of students was developed through stages can not be directly developed, while the stages of character development for children in primary schools are by (1) knowledge (knowing), (2) implementation (acting), and (3) habits (habits ). Later on, this development can be done integrated and guided to every activity of the school. It is hoped that the character development goals will be achieved.

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