Characteristics of Edible Film from Rice Bran Starch as Affected by the Concentration of Sorbitol Plasticizer

Ummul Habibah Hasyim, Naimas Pratmono Aji, Fatma Sari, Tri Yuni Hendrawati, Ratri Ariatmi Nugrahani


Edible films made from starch have disadvantages, namely they are brittle so they are easily broken and hydrophilic. The manufacture of starch-based edible films basically uses the principle of gelatinization. The purpose of this study was to make edible film from rice bran, and to examine the effect of concentration of plasticizer (sorbitol) and gelatinization time on the characteristics of the edible film. The process chosen in this study is Steam Boiler with the advantage that it can optimize the gelatinization of rice bran starch and takes 22 minutes at a temperature of 65°C - 70ºC. The percentage of solubility of edible films ranges from 48 – 75%. The results of the analysis of the variance of the treatment effect on the solubility level of the edible film at 6 hours of immersion showed that the treatment concentrations of 3%, 4% and 5% had no significant effect on the percentage of the solubility of the edible films. Meanwhile, the 6% and 7% sorbitol concentrations had a greater effect than the 3%, 4% and 5% concentrations. The results of the biodegradability test showed that the biodegradable film from rice bran starch treated with the concentration of sorbitol that was stockpiled in the soil could be degraded after stockpiling in the soil for 18 days, which was marked by damage to the biodegradable film sheet. Edible film with 3% sorbitol concentration has the lowest water vapor transmission rate compared to other edible films, which is -0.27 %. The highest water vapor transmission rate was found in edible film with 6% sorbitol concentration.

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