Effect of Drying Time, Anting-Anting Plant (Acalypha Indica L.) Powder as Prepared by an Ultrasonic-Assisted Extraction

Novia Okny Yulianti, Tri Yuni Hendrawati, Ismiyati Ismiyati


Anting-Anting Plant or (Acalypha indica L.) is a tropical plant.  Anting-Anting Plants can contain high bioactive compounds. One of the bioactives that can be used as antioxidants are flavonoids. Flavonoids act as strong antioxidants in granuloma tissue so that they are able to protect the area around the wound from free radicals that can inhibit wound healing through the destruction of fat, protein, collagen, proteoglycan and hyaluronic acid. One of the methods used to discover herbal remedies is to determine the best time for drying the Anting-Anting Plant and extraction using the ultrasonic method so that the appropriate sample is obtained. The choice of extraction method certainly depends on the nature of the material and compounds to be isolated. In a study with an initial mass of 50 grams of sample with a temperature of 50 °C and drying variations of 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes and 120 minutes, the effect of drying time with a dehydrator on the yield obtained by the regression equation with R2 = 0.9759, this shows that there is a close correlation and influence between y and x, where the longer the sonication time, the greater the yield.

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