Applications of Eco-friendly Materials in the Design of the Parking Lot and Gate at Pesantren Al Hikmah II Karangmojo Gunung Kidul

Windarta Windarta, Fadwah Maghfurah, Ratna Dewi Nur’aini


The purpose of this study was to determine the types of eco-friendly materials that can be applied to gates and gardens around the boarding school mosque. The research method used was a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. The data that will be analyzed as the main research instrument was data that has been adjusted to the required criteria, in this study was the design of parking lots and gates that apply environmentally friendly materials or Material Resource and Cycle 2 (MRC 2), namely Environmentally Friendly Processed Materials. The studies founds that the use of materials in the construction of the parking lot and the gate of this pesantren, some materials do not have an environmental management system certificate are used in the production process. This building uses recycled materials, namely teak wood and used bricks which are applied to the gardens and gates of the Pesantren Al Hikmah II. This building uses materials whose main raw materials come from renewable resources.

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