Classification of the use of safety helmets in construction projects using the Convolutional Neural Network

Heldiansyah Heldiansyah, Muchtar Salim, Hadi Gunawan


The implementation of Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) encounters several problems, including workers who are not accustomed to working on projects that apply Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) standards will feel uncomfortable using personal protective equipment, especially for head protection in the form of safety helmets. The next problem is that the construction project of buildings or bridges as a work location has certain places that are protected from the sight of the HSE supervisory team so it is not optimal in monitoring the completeness of personal protective equipment at work. Another problem is the high workload factor for the HSE supervisory team to supervise all the workers, which is very large so it is not optimal in supervising the completeness of personal protective equipment for these workers. To overcome these problems, it is necessary to develop an automatic monitoring system for personal protective equipment, especially safety helmets. The way the system works is that perform classification through digital images with a size of 150x150 pixels using the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method for the use of safety helmets at the construction project site. The CNN architectural model used is two convolutional layers and a fully connected layer with 3x3 kernel parameters with 80 filters so that it produces  32 feature maps in the 10th epoch, with an accuracy of 63% obtained.

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