AGV Battery Life Prediction using Voltage Depth of Discharge Method

Ma’mun Fauzi, Eka Samsul Ma’arif


AGV (Automatic Guided Vehicle) is a mobile robot that distributes components or products from one production line to another without a crew by following certain navigation lines. The battery is the main power source for the AGV. Batteries can become damaged or short-lived due to: over-voltage, over-charging, and over-discharging. This research examines the estimation of battery life using the average percentage level of the battery's Depth of Discharge (DOD) voltage and the number of daily cycles used by the battery. The battery tested was the Valve Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) type with a nominal voltage capacity of 24 Volts obtained from 2 batteries with a voltage of 12V each and a capacity of 65Ah arranged in series. The research was carried out by measuring the battery voltage after each AGV operational cycle. The results of data acquisition and calculations show a percentage level of Depth of Discharge (DOD) of 10% with an average discharge voltage of 1 volt. The estimated remaining life of a Valve Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) battery is 693 battery cycles or the equivalent of 1 year, 10 months, and 28 days.

Keywords: AGV, battery, depth of discharge, life cycle

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