Biodiesel Production Optimization From Triolein Through Esterification Process Using Dwsim Software Simulation

Kiagus Muhamad Rizal, Eko Ariyanto, Eko Ariyanto, Erna Yuliwati, Erna Yuliwati


Biodiesel is a renewable fuel that does not pollute the air, is easily biodegradable and can be renewed. Biodiesel can be used in almost all diesel engines without undergoing significant changes. This makes it one of the best options today to replace diesel. Biodiesel is generally made from vegetable oils, animal fats or algae. Esterification of vegetable oil fatty acids with short-chain alcohol is one of the methods used to make biodiesel. According to SNI 7182:2015, a purity of at least 96.5% of biodiesel must be met. Therefore, optimum biodiesel production process planning is needed. The optimization is done by considering the type of process, the composition of materials, the kind of reactors, the temperature that can affect the biodiesel produced. The aim of this research is to optimize using process simulation to produce biodiesel with a set standard of purity. Biodiesel or methyl oleate (C19H36O2) from triolein feed (C57H104O6). The simulation was done in three different PFD using DWSIM version 8.6.0. The results are expected to provide an overview of the initial engineering design of biodiesel production process

Keywords: biodiesel, esterification, production optimization, reaction kinetics, DWSIM version 8.6.0.

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