Muslikhin Muslikhin


The study examines the utilization of social media by newsroom Indosiar and SCTV in producing news programs. The goal is to describe the use of social media as a source of news, agenda setting in planning, determining and selection of news and the preparation of news program rundown. It also describes the use of social media to increase the number of news viewers. This research use qualitative approach  with qualitative descriptive method. Data collection was conducted by interviews with key informants and obeservation. Interviews were conducted with Indosiar's news manager, SCTV, as well as news producer Indosiar and SCTV. The study yielded the following findings; First, Indosiar and SCTV make information in social media as a source of news, by first checking by doing coverage to the field. Information on social media is used if the coverage team does not have news material. Second, Indosiar and SCTV do not make information in social media as setting agenda in planning of coverage. Agenda setting is based on issues and events  that are of concern to the public and in accordance with the audience segment. Third,  Indosiar and SCTV do not use social media for benchmark  to  choosing, deciding news and compiling rundown news programs. The selection of news and rundown programming is based on events and issues of concern to the public and tailored to the audience segment. Fourth, to increase the number of viewers, Indosiar and SCTV create an account in social media containing news that has been aired.
Keywords: Television News, Social Media, Newsroom

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Proceedings of The International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS)
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta, Indonesia.

ISBN :978-602-6309-44-2

Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan, Cirendeu, Ciputat 15419
Jakarta, Indonesia
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