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INDEPENDEN: Jurnal Politik Indonesia dan Global
INDEPENDEN: Jurnal Politik Indonesia dan Global Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta adalah jurnal nasional berbasis penelitian ilmiah, secara rutin diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta sejak 2020 (versi online).
INDEPENDEN: Jurnal Politik Indonesia dan Global Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta mengundang para dosen, peneliti, pengkaji, praktisi, industri, dan pemerhati serta mahasiswa S1/S2/S3, untuk mengirimkan paper atau artikel ilmiahnya. Paper yang masuk akan di-review secara peer-review. Setelah proses review selesai, hasil review akan diinformasikan kepada penulis paper melalui sistem Open Journal System (OJS). INDEPENDEN: Jurnal Politik Indonesia dan Global terbit 2 kali (April dan Oktober) dalam setahun.
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Indonesian Journal of Islam and Public Health
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Public Health: Jurnal Islam dan Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia merupakan jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta dalam bidang Islam dan Kesehatan. Jurnal ini mendorong para peneliti nasional dan internasional untuk menerbitkan artikel-artikel yang berbentuk Islam dan kesehatan dari berbagai sudut pandang. Jurnal ini merupakan integrasi antara Islam dan kesehatan, baik dalam konteks keilmuan melalui pembahasan desain integrasi keilmuan, maupun dalam aksiologi pelayanan kesehatan bagi tenaga kesehatan di masyarakat.
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Public Health: Indonesian Journal of Islam and Public Health is a journal published by the Faculty of Public Health, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta in the field of Islam and Health. This journal encourages national and international researchers to publish articles in the form of Islam and health from various perspectives. This journal is an integration between Islam and health, both in a scientific context through discussion of scientific integration design, as well as in the axiology of health services for health workers in the community.
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Indonesian Journal of Nursing Sciences and Practice
Indonesian Journal of Nursing Science & Practice (IJNSP) merupakan platform ilmiah yang dirancang untuk menampung karya ilmiah bagi para peneliti, dosen, dan mahasiswa keperawatan. Platform IJNSP dimulai pada Januari 2023. IJNSP dirancang dengan menggunakan referensi dari seluruh dunia yang berfokus pada bidang keperawatan dan kesehatan dengan penekanan khusus pada pencapaian di kawasan Asia. Fokus IJNSP meliputi studi keperawatan dengan cakupan keperawatan medikal bedah, perawatan kritis, gawat darurat, dan bencana, keperawatan maternitas dan anak, keperawatan komunitas dan kesehatan mental, manajemen dalam keperawatan, keperawatan fundamental, teori keperawatan, dan kebijakan keperawatan.
IJNSP telah menerima e-ISSN 2622-0997 dari BRIN dengan nomor 0005.26220997/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2018.07
Jurnal IJNSP diterbitkan oleh Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia. Jurnal IJNSP diterbitkan dua kali setahun (Juli dan Desember) dengan proses peer-review double-blind.
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International Conference on Community Services for Applied Science and Technology

Proceeding International Conference on Community Services for Applied Science and Technology (ICCSAST) at Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta is a collection of scientific papers presented at the International Conference on Community Services for Applied Science and Technology, a conference focusing on the application of science and technology to support community service activities. The conference aims to facilitate discussion and knowledge sharing among academics, practitioners, and stakeholders who are committed to utilizing science and technology to improve the quality of life in communities. This event serves as a platform for innovative ideas applied in community services across fields such as Education and Religion, Medicine and Health, Science and Technology, Agriculture and Economics, Law and Politics, Social and Humanities, and other relevant fields.
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International Conference on Engineering, Applied Sciences and Technology

The Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering, Applied Sciences and Technology (ICEAST) at Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta is a compilation of scientific papers presented at this annual conference. Topics covered in these proceedings include Education and Religion, Medicine and Health, Science and Technology, Agriculture and Economics, Law and Politics, Social and Humanities, and other relevant fields. This collection highlights interdisciplinary research and innovative insights across various domains, fostering knowledge sharing and collaboration among researchers and practitioners.
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International Conference on Engineering, Construction, Renewable Energy, and Advanced Materials
The Proceeding of International Conference on Engineering Construction, Renewable Energy and Advanced Materials (ICECREAM) is the collection of articles presented at the said event which will be held annually by The Faculty of Engineering Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta.
e-ISSN: 2810-0956
The topics included in the proceeding of ICECREAM are as follow :
Civil Engineering (Structure Engineering, Construction Management Engineering, Hydro Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Geotechnical Civil Engineering, Dispute Resolution And Claim Contract Construction, Infrastructure)
Electrical Engineering (ENERGY: Electric Power Systems, Power Electronics, Renewable energy, Energi Management, Energy and Industry Applications, Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas, Energy and Industry Applications, Driver Technology; TELECOMMUNICATION: Computer Networks, Multimedia Communication, Computer Engineering, Wireless Communication System, Optical Communication. Networking and Broadcast Technologies; ELECTRONIC: Automation System, Biomedical, Bioengineering Instrumentation System, Artificial Intelligence, Optical Electronics, Control System, Robotics and Control Systems; Photonics and Electrooptics;)
Chemical Engineering (Nanotechnology, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Polymer Technology, Kinetics and Catalysis, Waste and Water Treatment, Termodinamic, Oleochemical Technology, Modeling, Simulation, and Process Optimization, Separation and Purification Unit, Petroleum, gas and coal technology)
Mechanical Engineering (Energy Conversion, Construction of Product Material, Manufacture System and Ergonomy, Advance Material)
Industrial Engineering (Quality Engineering, Operation Management, Productivity, Manufacturing System, Supply Chain Management, Product Design & Development, Ergonomics, Modeling & Simulation)
Architecture (Architectural History and Conservation, Urban Planning and Settlement, Green Architecture and Sustainability, Architectural Theory and Critics)
Informatics / Computer Science (Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Network Security, Computer Vision, Image Processing, Mobile Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Pervasive Computing, Big Data)
Automotive Heavy Equipment (Applications of heavy equipment in the industry)
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International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research
International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research (IJBESR) is a peer-reviewed journal published by Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, two times a year in June and December. All papers submitted to this journal could be written in English language.
p-ISSN : 2581-1347
e-ISSN : 2580-2607
The aims of this journal is to provide a venue for academicians, researchers and practitioners for publishing the original research articles or review articles, is available in online version.
The scopes of the articles published in this journal deal with a broad range of topics in the fields of architectural design; building science; history, critics, and theory of architecture; urban planning; and housing and settlement study.
International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research (IJBESR) is indexing by: Google Scholar, Sinta, Garuda, Base Search
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International Journal of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure (IJCEI) is a journal in the scope of civil engineering created by the Civil Engineering Study Program at the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta with the spirit of international publications for the development of civil engineering science. IJCEI Muhammadiyah University Jakarta invites researchers, lecturers, reviewers, practitioners, industry and observers as well as under graduated, post graduated and doctoral students to submit their papers or scientific articles. The incoming paper will be peer-reviewed. After the review process is complete, the results of the review will be informed to the author of the paper through the Open Journal System (OJS) and also via the author's email. IJCEI is published twice a year. IJCEI is published every month periodically March and October.
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International Journal of Community Services
The International Journal of Community Services (IJOCS) is a scholarly publication that focuses on the advancement and dissemination of research related to community engagement, service-learning, and social responsibility. This journal serves as a platform for academics, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to share their insights, findings, and experiences in the realm of community service. Through its diverse range of articles, the journal contributes to the growing body of knowledge concerning the role of community service in addressing societal challenges.
Paper Submission Date: Any time
Acceptance Notification: 2-4 Months from Submission Date.
Online Publication Date: October, February, June.
Google Scholar, Garuda, Crossref.
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