Jurnal Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

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Architectural Journal of NALARs Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta is a national journal which provide articles from research base.  The publication is a routine one in January and July in every year. The first publication of NALARs is in 2002 and it has been published continually and consistantly in every 6 months. Architectural Journal of NALARs presents articles based on architectural research in micro, mezo and macro. Published articles cover all subjects as follow: architectural behaviour, space and place, traditional architecture, digital architecture, urban planning and urban design, building technology and building science.

Architectural Journal of NALARs invites all lecturers, academic staffs, researchers, reviewers and related field to architecture to contribute in the publication by sending and submitting articles based on research. All submitted articles will be reviewed by peer-review board. After the process of review completed, all the result will be informed to author through Open Journal System (OJS) as well as email to author.

Since the 2024 edition, NALARs Journal of Architecture uses a new template. The template can be seen at Template

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NALARs Journal of Architecture


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