Muhammad Aspar


The purpose of this research and development is to produce the learning model of volleyball overhand service for junior high school age. In addition, research and development is conducted to obtain in-depth informationabout the development and application of the learning model of volleyball overhand service for junior high school age and determine the effectiveness, efficiency and attractiveness of the model created child. This research uses development methods research & development (R & D) from Borg and Gall. Subjects in research and development are the students of junior high school consisting of 60 children. Based on the results of the development can be concluded that: (1) whit the volleyball learning model overhand service for junior high school age can be developed and applied in physical education learning at schools (2) the volleyball learning model overhand service for junior high school age which have been developed, acquired evidence of this improv went is shown in the result testing data from pretest and posttest ther is significant difference between before and after the development of a model.


Development, Model, Overhand Service, Volleyball

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Publisher :

Program Studi Pendidikan Olahraga Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta (UMJ)

Alamat: Jl. KH Ahmad Dahlan, Cireundeu, Ciputat



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