Prediction of Onset Temperature in Standing Wave Thermoacoustic Engine with Mesh Screen Stack

Prastowo Murti, Wijayanti Dwi Astuti, Ikhsan Setiawan, Fakih Irsyadi, Imroatul Hudati


A thermoacoustic engine is a engine that converts thermal energy into acoustic energy, which can be used to generate electricity or cooling. This engine is attractive because it consists only of a stack, heat exchangers, and a resonator. The stack serves as the primary component for the energy conversion process and consists of porous materials like an array of stainless steel mesh screens. To generate the acoustic energy, a minimum temperature difference is necessary between the two sides of the stack, called the onset temperature difference. However, the calculation for prediction of onset temperature on the stack made of mesh screen has not been addressed. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to propose a method that can be used to estimate the onset temperature difference in standing wave thermoacoustic engine with stacks made of mesh screen arrays. The onset temperature difference is predicted numerically using linear stability theory and matrix transfer methods. Experimental verification is carried out by using standing wave thermoacoustic engine from pervious study. The results showed that the lowest onset temperature difference (TH - TC = 140ºC) is obtained when rh = 0.497 mm. Furthermore, the numerical and experimental onset temperature difference comparisons show a qualitative agreement, allowing the onset temperature prediction method to be used in designing standing wave thermoacoustic engines with stacks made of mesh screens.


onset temperature, thermoacoustic engine, standing wave, stack mesh screen

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