Hydram pump is a solution to overcome the problem of water demand, especially for highland areas. Hydram pumps can be used for rice field areas because they do not require an electric energy source. Operating parameters at the hydram pump greatly affect the efficiency of the hydram pump. In practice in the field, altitude is not difficult to obtain, especially for mountainous areas. However, for some highland areas, often to get a certain height must be with a large elevation distance hydram pump to water sources. In this research, a change in the angle of inlet variation will be conducted on the efficiency that occurs. So that with this research, it can be a benchmark for determining the distance of a hydram pump to a water source. The highest water discharge that can be generated from a 1 in size PVC hydram pump, 2.75 m inlet height, 5 m outlet height is 1.5 x 10-5 m3/s. while the lowest water discharge in the test carried out is 0 m3/s at the number of pendants 1 and the pump inlet angle is 45°. The inlet angle greatly affects the resulting flow rate. The inlet angle of 30° results in a higher water flow rate of 1.44x10-5 m3/s at the number of pendulum 2 compared to the 45° inlet angle which only gets 9.44x10-6 m3/s even up to 0 m3/s at the number of pendulum 1.
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