Ella Nurlela, Diana Diana


Indonesia needs to maximize its policies, programs, and facilities and infrastructure for the welfare of the elderly to be able to deal with the phenomenon of aging population structure and its implications. One thing that needs to be considered in this regard is the implementation of elderly social protection. Some studies related to elderly social protection have not been discussed in many ways about social inclusion referring to its social relation. Therefore, this study will discuss that issue. The argument of this study is the dimension of social relations that are involved in the inclusiveness of the implementation of elderly social protection are essential. That is, this study seeks to analyze the social inclusion process based on aspects of social participation, networking and social support, and the quality of social relations that are involved in the implementation of elderly social protection. This study uses a descriptive-qualitative approach and conducts case studies in Garut Regency, West Java.


the elderly; social protection; social inclusion; social relations

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University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta


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