Fenomena Larangan Menikah pada Bulan Dzhulqa’dah di Tengah Masyarakat Kecamatan Konang Kabupaten Bangkalan

Taufiqur Rohman


This article is a research on field phenomena in the Konang District community regarding the issue of prohibition and prohibition against marrying in the month of Dzulqa'dah. This research is structured descriptively with qualitative methods. This study found that first, the philosophical meaning of the big stories behind the month of Dzulqa'dah above fosters a sense of awe, giving rise to thoughts or desires to make this month a month that is commemorated because it is indeed a month that Allah glorifies. Second, Community Leaders of Konang District, Bangkalan Regency are well-known for their politeness rules, if holding a wedding in the Month of Dzulqa'dah is considered impolite to the ancestors, and it would be better to use it to recite dhikr or remember the big stories behind the Month of Dzulqa'dah as a means of increasing levels faith as a servant of Allah. SWT. The myths and beliefs that become beliefs in the life of Konang Bangkalan community leaders are very concerned about their existence, so they still carry out the habits carried out by their ancestors so that they indoctrinate the community not to carry out or carry out celebrations or weddings in the month of dzulqa'dah. Therefore, there are still many there are customs or habits not to carry out celebrations and weddings in the month of Dzulqa'dah, because that month is believed by Konang Bangkalan community leaders as a month that is considered sacred.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24853/ma.7.1.63-82


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