Misykat Al Anwar Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Masyarakat is a nationally accredited peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Faculty of Islamic Studies University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta.The focus and scope of this journal are limited to the Islamic studies in particular, the fields of tarbiya (Islamic education), da'wah (Islamic communication) and sharia (Islamic law and economics) in relation to society in Indonesia and the Islamic world.
First published in 2002, the objective of this journal is to disseminate the results of studies and research written by academics scholars and researchers both at home and abroad. Since 2016, the journal was going online and in 2018, the journal has become a member of Crossref. This journal has been indexed in some indexing services such as Moraref, ISJD, Google Scholar, Crossref, SINTA, and DOAJ.
Table of Contents
Mulia Amirullah, Pupun Saepul Rohman
Agus Syukur
Upaya Nahdlatul Ulama dalam Melawan Kolonialisme dan Imperialisme pada Masa Pergerakan Nasional Indonesia 1926 – 1942
DOI : 10.24853/ma.7.2.135-148
Nur Asiah, Ganjar Eka Subakti
Pinjaman Online (Pinjol) Dalam Perspektif Hukum Ekonomi Islam dan Hukum Positif
DOI : 10.24853/ma.7.2.149-160
Azhar Taufik, Asep Supyadillah, Muhammar Amin, Rifki Dwi Prasetyo
Mencerahkan Zaman: Ideologi dan Gerakan Muhammadiyah dalam Mewujudkan Masyarakat Islam yang Berkemajuan
DOI : 10.24853/ma.7.2.161-178
Mohadib Mohadib, Tajudin Tajudin
Pendekatan Dakwah Rasulullah di Era Madinah dan Relevansinya di Era Modern
DOI : 10.24853/ma.7.2.179-198
Muhammad Choirin