Digital Learning Media's Usage in Social Studies Learning in the Fourth Graders of Primary School

Aisyah Nur Fitri, Noor Suhada Binti MD Isa


In the world of education, the development of science and technology is very much needed. With the development of science and technology, the learning process will be easier to do anywhere and anytime. The role of teachers in the world of education, especially in facing the development of science and technology is very important. In order to create a pleasant teaching and learning atmosphere, teachers can use learning media in the teaching and learning process. One example of learning media that can be used is digital-based learning media. The method used in this research is the literature review method. Data in research is in the form of data from literature studies. The data sources used are obtained from various references related to research such as books, research journals, and guidebooks for using several digital platforms. The data analysis technique used is content analysis, namely by reviewing the information discussed, relating to each topic discussed, then mapping concepts in the form of comparisons of each research data. The results of this study are expected to contribute in making it easier for schools, teachers, and students to utilize several digital platforms issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture as learning media.


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