
Plagiarism Policy


The manuscripts in which the plagiarism is detected are handled based on the extent of the plagiarism:

5- 25% Plagiarism: The manuscript  is forward to reviewer.

>25% Plagiarism: The manuscript will be rejected without the review.

Posted: 2019-07-24

New Issue Published (Vol 5 No 1 2019)


We gladly inform you that the new edition of FIBONACCI: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika dan MatematikaVol 5 No 1 2019 , has been published. The articles could be accessed online for free in



Posted: 2019-06-30



The Editorial Team of Fibonacci: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika dan Matematika has categorized your submission into two: Active and Archived Submission. Active submission means that your submitted manuscript will be subjected for review process. If your submission status is Archived, it means that your manuscript is declined. Please notice your submission status.


Best of luck!

Posted: 2019-06-24
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