Design of Overheating Detection and Performance Monitoring of Solar Panel based on Internet of Things (IoT) using Smartphone

Haris Isyanto, Wahyu Ibrahim


Solar panels are alternative energy from renewable energy. The primary problem with solar panels is heat. Ideally, the solar panel temperature is 25oC. If the temperature of solar panels rises, the solar panel components will heat up. This results in a decrease in the performance of solar panels and causes the power output to be not optimal in the electricity production process. Therefore, we designed a device that could detect overheating early and monitor the power performance of solar panels based on the Internet of Things (IoT) using a smartphone. From the test results obtained by measuring the percentage comparison between measuring instruments and sensor applications, on the parameters of average voltage Vdc 1.32%, current 2.61%, temperature 2.14%, and power 3.89%. This research is expected to help monitor overheating early warnings and monitor solar panel parameters remotely via a smartphone without having to come to the location.

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