Analysis Of non Value Added Activity on Toner Cartridge Printer Ink Refill at CV SCMG

Renty Anugerah Mahaji Putri, Nelfiyanti Nelfiyanti, Rizqi Fauzan


CV SCMG is a company engaged in various computer services. The problem faced is the service of refilling the printer toner cartridge ink was non value-added activity. Empty toner cartridges was wasting time. With this condition, the process of refilling the printer's Toner Cartridge ink became a little disturbed so that it becomes less than optimal. From the existing problems, time analysis efforts can be carried out further by using a causal analysis, 5W + 1H analysis of the constraints in the process of refilling the printer ink Toner Cartridge less than optimal time. The results of the calculation with the initial conditions obtained the results of 5.86 minutes and after repairing it to 5.11 minutes so that work productivity is expected to be better.

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