Redesign of finished goods warehouse storage layout using the shared storage method to increase capacity and minimize time with a simulation approach

Farah Haidar Hamid, Nelfiyanti Nelfiyanti, Renty Anugerah Mahaji Putri


Warehouse PT. XYZ is experiencing over-capacity due to the inability to accommodate the goods that continue to increase. This is due to the warehouse arrangement that only utilizes floor stakes so that it takes up horizontal space with the use of 1.2 m x 1.2 m pallets. This makes warehouse utilization low by 17.93%. This study aims to increase pallet storage capacity and minimize product search time by using the shared storage method and designing a simulation model using the layout on pro model 7.6 software. The results of this study are an increase in storage capacity to 54 pallets, an increase in warehouse utility by 40% to 60.02%, and reduce the material transfer distance to 155.10 m. This affects the product retrieval time which can be reduced to 2.5 minutes from 7.61 minutes in the initial layout to 5.11 minutes

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