Gustav Permadi, Windarta Windarta, Fadwah Maghfurah, Ratna Dewi Nur'aini


The cutting of lontongan (rice crackers) was done manually. It has disadvantages nonuniform in thickness and low productivity. The aim of this research is to plan a cracker molding and cutting machine with a capacity of 7 kg/hour and to analyze the pneumatic system used in cutting cracker cake dough. The design of cracker molds and cutting tools was carried out using computer-based design software. Calculations were carried out to obtain image dimensions, determine the materials and determine the existing components used in making molding machines and cracker cake cutters. The testing mechanism was to determine the test that will be carried out. Testing was carried out by means of experimental testing, then data collection was carried out. Data analysis was carried out by observing the data results that have been obtained from experimental testing which were then analyzed and conclusions were drawn. The results shows that using cracker molding and cutting equipment on a home scale can increase production yields by 7 kg / hour or about 48-53 pieces ricecake crackers per hour, compared to the home scale that makes manual long ricecake crackers can only be 3kg / hour or as many as 21-24 pieces ricecake crackers. Secondly, the air pressure required to mold cracker cakes is 7 bar with a diameter of 2 cm. and the third, The advantage of this cracker molding and cutting tool is that it can increase productivity, the disadvantage is that it requires a lot of electricity and costs a lot.

Keywords: cracker molding and cutting machine, Cutting system, pneumatic system, rice crackers

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