The Implementation of the RULA (Rapid Upper Limb Assessments) Method on Stamping Workers to Determine the Risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders Complaint

Muhammad Itsbat Robbani, Nelfiyanti Nelfiyanti


In today's era, there are numerous businesses thriving, one of which is packaged honey production. One of the beekeeping industries that produces honey and other bee products is CV Madu Apiari Mutiara. The stamping activity in this business has workstations that are highly uncomfortable. The workstation, in the form of a table set at the height of human knees, causes discomfort for the workers
and leads to MSD complaints. Therefore, a risk assessment calculation was conducted using the TULA method, resulting in a total score of 7, categorized as "Very High," requiring further investigation and immediate improvement. If this musculoskeletal disorder risk condition is not promptly addressed, it will impact the workers' health and cause workers to suffer injuries It can even cause disability in several parts of the body due to the pain experienced. Thus, the corrective action that can be taken
involves designing work aids such as a workstation table that considers the anthropometric factors of the workers

Keywords: Ergonimic, RULA, MSD, Honey

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