Dymas Saputra, Alvika Meta Sari, Sri Anastasia Yudistirani, Athiek Sri Redjeki, Susanty Susanty


Cocoa husk is one of the agricultural wastes that can be utilized as raw material for pulp making, because cocoa contains cellulose so that it can be used as raw material for tissue making. Natrium hydroxide is used to isolate the cellulose in cocoa. Nano chitosan was prepared by varied chitosan mass then reacting with sodium tripolyphosphate with ionic gelation for the formation of nanostructures and freezing methods to reduce water and the formation of gel structures. The purpose of this study was to find the effect of nano chitosan concentration on tissue characteristics from cocoa skin waste, to find the effect of nano chitosan concentration on the effectiveness of anti-bacterial pathogen and to find the optimum chitosan mass. The results obtained on the effect of chitosan mass on the characteristics of wipes from cocoa skin waste are that it can absorb about 20% of the 300 cm2 area and for the appearance of the wipes it is not easy to fade for the color of the wipes themselves and is less clean, not soft and not hollow, testing of pathogen bacteria according to SNI 8526: 2018 obtained the effect of chitosan weight on pathogen bacteria obtained the result that nano chitosan is effective in killing Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria in various variations of chitosan weight and optimum chitosan weight at a weights of 4 grams.

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