Fostering Students’ Speaking Ability through Traditional Talking Stick

Amallia Rizky Utami, Bambang Yulianto, Ria Kamilah Agustina


The research was about the effectiveness of Traditional Talking Stick to foster students’ speaking ability on eight-grade of MTs Salafiyah Syafi’iyah in the 2018/2019 academic years. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the Traditional Talking Stick teaching method on students speaking abilities, before and after using the Traditional Talking Stick method. There were 36 students as samples in this study. Researchers used a quasi-experimental using 4-times pre-test and 4-times post-test design. The data of this study was collected from observation and speaking tests (pre-test and post-test). The data analysis was then performed using a T-test (paired simple test) facilitated by SPSS 16.0. The results of this study were (1) the average scores of students’ pre-test on their speaking ability before using Traditional Talking Stick were 28,61 of pretest 1, 30,97 of pre-test 2, 33,92 of pre-test 3, 36,69 of pre-test 4-with all the of unsuccessful criteria. (2) the students’ average scores of speaking ability after being taught using Traditional Talking Stick were 75,6 of post-test 1, 77,86 of post-test 2, 82,28 of post-test 3, 84,89 of post-test 4-with all of the success criteria. (3) The result of the students’ average scores shown that there is a significant effect of the Traditional Talking Stick in students’ speaking ability after-treatment. It is as explained from the gained of obtained pretest 4 and post-test 4 average scores, in which t-count is -75,302 (at df = 35) and t table = 2, 03011, which means that the result of the SPSS calculation has been successful. 


The Effectiveness, Speaking ability, Traditional Talking Stick

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