Textual Study of How Eun Hwan Portrays Introverted Character in “Introverted Boss” Movie
The aim of this study is (1) to describe the signs of an introverted character, (2) to understand the main actor's introverted character in Introverted Boss, (3) to see why "Eun Hwan Gi" became an introvert, and (4) to identify Eun Gi's efforts to get rid of his introverted character. The research highlights the Introvert personality of the main character in the Introvert Boss film. This type of research is qualitative and focuses on descriptive-analytical methods. This research is qualitative and focuses on methods that are descriptive and analytical. The researcher himself was the instrument used in this study and encouraged in the data inventory format. Eun Hwan Gi had six introverted traits, including social weaknesses, shyness, fear, too much perception, fear, and closeness. The main reasons the main actor has become an introvert are family pressure factors and verbal abuse. In addition to the signs, training, playing games, and developing relationships are the foremost efforts of the actor to minimize such personality. Based on the findings of the research, the film Introverted Boss can be used to identify signs of an introverted character as a reference analysis material. In addition to the sign, the analysis focuses on the reasons for an introvert and Eun Hwan Gi's efforts to reduce his introverted character.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24853/elif.3.1.11-22
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