Just IT: Jurnal Sistem Informasi, Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer is an Open Access Journal published by Informatics Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta. The journal is a national journal (in Bahasa Indonesia) which published three times (since Vol 11) a year regularly, every September, January and May, and has been online since 2017.
JUST IT: Jurnal Sistem Informasi, Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer has been acredited SINTA 5 by Kementrian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi (Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education) of Republic of Indonesia on 11th October 2019 No. 28/E/KPT/2019.
JUST IT: Jurnal Sistem Informasi, Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer invite researchers and professional practitioners to send articles about research result or project development in information system, information technology and computer science field.
Template for this journal is available in the side bar or in author guidelines section (new revision for upcoming issue).
JUST IT: Jurnal Sistem Informasi, Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer is indexing by: Google Scholar, Garuda and Sinta.
Published: September 30th
Published: May 30th
Published: January 30th
JUST IT : Jurnal Sistem Informasi, Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer is indexed by :
Penambahan Edisi |
Karena banyaknya peneliti yang ingin mempublikasikan karyanya di jurnal JUST IT : Jurnal Sistem Informasi, Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer maka kami menambah satu lagi edisi dalam satu tahun. Mulai Vol 11 JUST IT akan terbit di bulan September (no 1), Januari (no 2) dan Mei (no 3) Submisi bisa dilakukan kapan saja, secara gratis, proses review adalah satu - dua bulan (atau lebih) dan publikasi diurutkan berdasarkan slot yang tersedia. Terima kasih |
Posted: 2020-09-08 | |
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Volume 15 No 2, Januari Tahun 2025
Table of Contents
Vernanda Sam Saputra, Achmad Ridwan, Taftazani Ghazi Pratama
325 – 331
Muhammad Fadhil Habibie, Rully Mujiastuti
332 – 338
Muhammad Al Hadid Ramadhan, Ardiansyah Dores
339 – 349
Iklas Anang Subekti, Chrisfian Beni Andriano, Dimas Nurdiansyah, Rahmat Hidayat
350 – 355
Bayu Unggul Sejati, Hengky Triyo, Susilawati Sobur
356 – 361
Muhammad Reza, Ardiansyah Dores, Sitti Nurbaya Ambo, Popy Meilina
362 – 372
Luthfansa Alfaqih, Muhammad Bagas Fadilah, Ardiansyah Dores
373 – 382
Erlangga Jayawardhana, Teguh Priyo Utomo, Muhammad Miftakhul Syaikhuddin
383 – 392
Muhamad Bayu Setiawan, Alam Rahmatulloh
393 – 400
Muhamad Hafizh Rizky Pratama, Reza Ade Putra