Anwar Ilmar Ramadhan, Thomas Djunaedi, Irwan Firmansyah


The development of the world in the automotive field is now growing and growing rapidly. Very rapid development in the field of automotive motor vehicles, But what we already know with the thinning. Fuel is a problem we face today. As for finding a tool that can save fuel motor vehicles. R option gasoline ring is a fuel saver tool made of stainless steel that has 12,400 gauss magnets that have 1 inlet and 1 outlet. Analysis of the performance of premium fuel and pertamax with the option of gasoline R ring is done to know the ratio of power, torque and premium AFR and pertamax, both before and. The test results and calculations for the premium variables obtained power up to 0,2 HP, torque up by 3%, AFR more efficient 7.4%. While for the pertamax variable in getting power up to 0,2 HP, torque rose by 5.3%, AFR more efficient 8.4%.


Thermal Engine, Option R gasoline Ring, Dynotest

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